Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tom 23

Hi everyone
A little while ago we went to Anthony Lagoon station next door to us. There they were having a group day and we were invited by Mount Isa School of the Air. When we were there we did many fun things. One of them was making a marble run to see how slow we could make a marble go. I had the slowest time because I had more slopes and friction on mine.
I figured that it was actually a bit related to this set, especially for Lesson 1. For example, it showed another way to move a marble. The slopes pushed the marble down. When the marble fell off the end of the slopes, gravity pulled it down to the next slope and when it went along the bumpy surfaces the friction was rubbing against the bottom of the marble, slowing it down. Below there is a picture of it.


  1. That is excellent, Tom. It definately is related to our unit. You've explained it really well using your knowledge of friction and gravity. Great job!

  2. That is a AWESOME creation Tom
    Good Work

  3. thank you it was alot of fun to make!
