Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tania 5

Hello Everyone.
What happens to the can with different sized pushes?
When the can is given a small push with my fingers it doesn't go very far and it rolls slowly. It rolled that slow that when it stopped it actually started coming back to me. The forces pushed it back.
When I gave the can a medium push it rolled forward a little faster and rolled forward further because it was able to push through the air so there wasn't as much drag. The rolling of the can had more force or thrust than drag.
When I gave the can a hard push it rolled forward very fast and wasn't able to roll in a straight line. It rolled off the edge of the cement and hit the bricks and stopped. I think the force of the rolling was that great that it couldn't be kept straight. The more force the can is given the further it will roll.

Cheers Tania


  1. Great stuff, Tania. You've really analysed the forces involved, well. Good work.

  2. We didn't even use a medium push, I suggested it but we didn't do it though. Although we did try a big can. Of all the things to be in it, there were sliced mushrooms, yuck.
