Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tom 18

Hi everyone
Here are the instructions to play my game.
You need:
1.A wagon/trolley.
2.A big sheet of metal or wood (has to be flat).
3.A small ball such as a: tennis ball, golf ball, marble etc.
4.A timer.
5.A starting position (this makes it fair).
The player has to place the big sheet of metal or wood on the trolley. Then place the ball in the center of the big sheet of wood/metal. Then push it back and forward and try and keep the ball on. While you do so, someone will be timing you with a timer. The winner is the person who can keep the ball on for the longest amount of time.

Lucy, Miss Millie and I had a go at the game. Our results are below on the blue sticky note (in seconds) which I will put into an excel graph. There is also a small plan of the game when I first made it up. A bit later I am going to do a video on it explaining it a bit better, if you can not see it on the blog I will email it to you.
I found the trick with this game is to have full concentration and steadiness with the pushing and pulling of the trolley.