Friday, November 19, 2010

Lori 20

Hi Everyone
I have really Liked this unit
I am also really disapointed that it is over
How are you all


Tom 24

Hi everyone
I have had a great time this unit. My favorite thing to do was inventing my own game I also liked playing 'Going up' with the balloon. I enjoyed it because there were lots of pictures to draw and lots of games to play. This has been my 2nd favorite online unit out of all 3 other online units.

Tania 32

Hello Everyone,

I really enjoyed this unit.

This unit is the last unit from Assoa.

The tug-a-war was fun and learning about Sir Isaac Newton.

Everyone did a great Job!!

Making the web page was a bit hard.

I don't really enjoy publishing it.

I find it hard to make sure the pictures work.

Cheers Tania

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tania 31

Hi Everyone
Here is a painting I did of Sir Isaac Newton sitting under the apple tree thinking about gravity.
Cheers Tania

Tom 23

Hi everyone
A little while ago we went to Anthony Lagoon station next door to us. There they were having a group day and we were invited by Mount Isa School of the Air. When we were there we did many fun things. One of them was making a marble run to see how slow we could make a marble go. I had the slowest time because I had more slopes and friction on mine.
I figured that it was actually a bit related to this set, especially for Lesson 1. For example, it showed another way to move a marble. The slopes pushed the marble down. When the marble fell off the end of the slopes, gravity pulled it down to the next slope and when it went along the bumpy surfaces the friction was rubbing against the bottom of the marble, slowing it down. Below there is a picture of it.

Lori 18

Hi Everyone

Hi everyone
here are the forces used in my game
With my game there is lots of friction, gravity, pushes and pulles.
There is friction on the saddle, on my hands, on the saddle blanket, on my thighs and on my feet.
There is gravity pulling down on me and Oakie.
I am pulling Oakie to make him stop to get the note.
I am also pulling on the note to see the what is written on it.


Erin 42

Here is a game that Dylan and I invented. It is called Doggie Disasters. My dog Darcy helped us play this game. You might think we are teasing her but we are not, Darcy got a big reward after.

Dylan 20

Hello everyone,
How are you all? I can't believe how fast smooth moves has gone, can you? All I can say is that I have enjoyed this online unit but can't wait until it is all over and finished. My favourite bit was probably designing my own game, what was your guys favourite? It has been a been a bit of a struggle for Erin and I to both have time on the computer, but we managed it in the end.
Hope EVERYONE has enjoyed this online unit.
Cheers, Dylan.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lori 17

Hi Everyone
Here is my diagram and labels


Tom 22

Hi everyone
here is my force arrow diagram on my game.

William 41

Hi Everyone,
Here are some photos of my game that we played for sport this morning.
Hope you like them
From William

Dylan 18

Hello everyone,
Here is my video of my game. Hope you enjoy it.
Cheers, Dylan.

Erin 41

Here is my video on my game.
Cheers Erin

Tom 21

Hi everyone
Here is the video for my game. If you can not see it just let me know and I will email it to you.

Tania 30

Hey Everyone,
Here is my force arrow diagram.
Cheers Tania

Tania 29

Hello Everyone,
Here is my annotated diagram.
Cheers Tania

Dylan 18

Here is my labeled diagram.
Cheers, Dylan.

The aim of my game is to guess what their team member is painting.

Jarod 8

I was going to do my push - pull game about me playing on my trampoline,
throwing and catching the ball but uuumm well we were about a day too late to photograph me on the trampoline and the neighbour's gum tree Fell on MY TRAMPOLINE.
I was going to tell you about a game on the trampoline where you jump and throw and catch the ball. Big pushes, Little pushes, Big throws, Little throws means the ball goes big distances or shorter distances. The mat of the trampoline was rough giving my feet Friction. As I jumped up and down Gravity brought me down.
Instead there was a big push of wind Monday night and then there was
a big pull of Gravity and Kabooooom!! The tree fell on MY TRAMPOLINE. This caused my mind lots of Friction!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lori 16

Hi Everyone
Here are my Resource sheets.


Tania 28

Hey Everybody,
How are you enjoying this unit??
I am really enjoying it!!
Here is some more info about my game..
How do large or small pushes or pulls affect the game?
If you hit the ball harder you have a greater chance of losing
than if you were to hit it soft so you can hit it in the goal.
If you pull the hockey stick back a lot it will create a bigger force
but you need a little force to be able to win.
Cheers Tania

Tania 27

Hello All,
Explain the pushes, pulls, movement, friction and gravity used in the game.
The marble needs to be pushed by the hockey stick, but not too much otherwise it will go off the paper. The hockey stick is pulled back so that the marble can be hit. There is very little friction between the hockey stick and the marble and that is why it can be hit so easily. Also there is very little friction between the paper and marble so it doesn't need much of a push to roll. The gravity is pulling down on the marble and so that is why it stays on the paper most of the time. Sometimes the marble goes in the air as the hockey stick lifts it up, but the gravity pulls it back down so that it will land again.

Cheers Tania

Tania 26

Hello Everyone,
How are you all?
How my game works.
  • The marble goes in the middle of the square in the circle
  • The hockey sticks must be on the line where the rectangle is, one on either side.
  • Then after the count of three each player goes for the marble.
  • If the marble is hit off of the paper it goes back to the middle and you start again.
  • If you get a goal you get 6 points.
  • If you hit a brown cone 1 point is taken away.
  • 2 points is taken away if your hockey stick is in front of the line.
  • after 2 minutes the person with the most points wins.
Cheers Tania

Lori 15

Hi everyone

Here is my game it is called giddy-up.
You will need
6 pieces of paper
horse (or you can go on foot)
What to do
Draw a map roughly of where you will put the notes.
Then on the other 5 pieces of paper make mystery notes leading to other note destinations.
Then do different symbols for every note destination.
When the person gets close or far away say these:
very close:boiling
far away:cold
Very far away:freezing


Tom 20

Hi everyone
In case you could not see it on the sticky note or you just want to see it clearer, here is my excel graph of the results when Miss Mill, Lucy and I played my game.

Erin 38

Here is my annotated diagram of my game.
Cheers Erin

Tom 19

Hi everyone
Here is my annotated drawing for my game.

William 40

Hi Everyone,
I have really enjoyed this unit.
I think this is the best unit we have done all year.
I have been very happy with my work this unit.
I hope you have enjoyed this unit too.
From William

William 39

Hi Everyone,
Here is my annotated diagram of my game.
From William

William 38

Hi Everyone,
Here is a picture of my force arrow diagram.
Hope you like it.
From William

Dylan 18

Hey Everyone,
Here is my annotated drawing of my game for Lesson 7.
Cheers, Dylan. :) !) ;) %)

Tom 18

Hi everyone
Here are the instructions to play my game.
You need:
1.A wagon/trolley.
2.A big sheet of metal or wood (has to be flat).
3.A small ball such as a: tennis ball, golf ball, marble etc.
4.A timer.
5.A starting position (this makes it fair).
The player has to place the big sheet of metal or wood on the trolley. Then place the ball in the center of the big sheet of wood/metal. Then push it back and forward and try and keep the ball on. While you do so, someone will be timing you with a timer. The winner is the person who can keep the ball on for the longest amount of time.

Lucy, Miss Millie and I had a go at the game. Our results are below on the blue sticky note (in seconds) which I will put into an excel graph. There is also a small plan of the game when I first made it up. A bit later I am going to do a video on it explaining it a bit better, if you can not see it on the blog I will email it to you.
I found the trick with this game is to have full concentration and steadiness with the pushing and pulling of the trolley.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tania 25

Hello Everyone,
This a picture of my game.
Cheers Tania

William 37

Hi Everyone,
Here is my description on my game and it's called soccer ball score.

Number of players: An even number, it is better with four or more players.
Equipment: scooters (two less than the number of people playing), Shuttle cock rackets, Ball (We use a soccer ball), 4 things to make goal posts.
How to get started: You need to decide on teams which have the same amount of players on each side. Then decide which person in each team will be goalkeeper. (If you are playing 1 a side you are the goalkeeper as well). Then get 4 things and set up the field, you will need to decide how big you want to have it, use the things to make the goal posts. The goalkeepers go in goal without scooters and with a bat. The rest of the players go in the field on a scooter and also with a bat.
How to play: You decide who starts off with the ball. That person has to hit it to a player on his/her team and then the team has to pass and then try and get a goal. The goalkeeper’s job is to stop the ball going through the goal with the bat. The other team has to do the same. Whatever team has the ball the other team can try and steal the ball off them. Each goal is worth 1 point. The game usually goes for 20 minutes so there are two halves which are ten minutes long. During half time the teams are allowed to swap goalkeepers. The team that didn’t start off with the ball in the first half now starts off with it.
Winning team: The team that wins is the team that has the most points at the end.
It is a fun game so you should try it.

From William

Lori 14

Hi Everyone
Here is my discussion games (activities) i chose
The forces in various games.

Sweating acts like lubricant and makes the hand slippery so the racquet might slip out of the player’s hand. When players dry their hands from the sweat friction acts as the as the person dries their hands.
Gravity pulls down to keep the players feet firmly on the ground.

Friction on the handlebars make the hands sweat and make the hands slippery.
When you are pushing on the pedals makes the wheels spin around to make you go. Gravity pulls down on the riders so when they jump a jump they can easily land. (Crash)
Friction tries to slow down a bicycle but the rider keeps pedalling so the bike keeps going and not crash. The rider pulls back on the front brakes when there is a large object on the track such as a rock so they don’t crash and when they pass they can speed up.
Gravity pulls down on a bike so it does not just start floating away while a rider is in the middle of a race.

When a person swims they are pulling their arms through the water to make them go forward.
They are also pushing when they start of against the wall or the block.
In water I think that friction is the exact opposite because there is no rough surface to rub against just liquid.
When you stand up on the surface of the pool there is friction against your foot and the bottom of the pool.


Tom 17

Hi everyone
Here is my excel graph for the rubber band and marble experiment.

William 36

Hi Everyone,
Here is my discussion about different games with forces.

AFL: The forces are gravity, this makes all the players stay on the ground and so the ball comes back to the ground. There is friction on the player’s feet when they kick the ball and run. There are pulls when the players pull the ball to them to take a mark. There are pushes when the ruck men tries to push the ball to the players. There are also pushes when players push people over to tackle them.

Soccer: The forces in soccer are gravity so the players stay on the ground while they are playing and so the ball comes back to the ground when it is kicked. There are pulls when the players pull the ball back to them so the other team can’t get the ball. There are pushes when players kick the ball. There is also friction on the player’s feet when they run and stop.

Cricket: The forces in cricket are gravity so the players stay on the ground and so the ball comes back to the ground when it is thrown and hit in the air. There is friction on the batters gloves when they hit the ball and there is also friction on the player’s shoes when they are running around. There are pulls when the batters pull their bat back to hit the ball. The fielders pull their arms back before they throw the ball. There are pushes when the batters push the ball away with the bat, and also the bowler pushes the ball out of his hand towards the batter.
From William

Tom 16

Hi everyone
Here are my resource sheets for the rubber band and matchbox experiment.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jarod 7

Hi everyone here is my version of lesson 6.

Tania 24

Hello Everyone,
Here are my planners.
Cheers Tania

Dylan 16

Hey everyone,
Here are my resource sheets.
Cheers, Dylan.
(And again it is in the wrong order)

Erin 36

Hello Here is my resource sheets. Cheers Erin

Dylan 15

Hello everyone,m
Here is my rubber band and matchbox data.

Position A: 184cm
Position B: 277.5cm
Position C: 390cm (My first attempt was 6.5 metres but we didn't get it on camera so I had to do it again.)

Cheers, Dylan.

Erin 35

Hello William
How did you get your graph to upload?
I tried and loading it on Irfanview and but it would not let me.
Cheers Erin

Thursday, November 11, 2010

William 35

Hi Everyone,
Here is my answer to Evaluate the investigation
Evaluate the investigation
I found that the more force that you apply to the rubber band; the further it will travel in distance.
From William

William 34

Hi Everyone,
Here are my answers to all the questions relating to the experiment.

How the rubber band changed the size of force-
I believe that the further the rubber band is pulled back the longer the matchbox will travel because I will be applying more force each time.

Variables are the things that will change in my investigation. The variable that will be changed in my investigation in the size of the force used to move the matchbox. These variables are position A, position B and position C.

Variables that might affect the matchbox movement-
The variable that will affect the matchbox movement is the amount of force used on the rubber band and the amount of friction on the carpet although the friction on the carpet will stay the same.

How I will keep my investigation fair-
I will keep it fair by using the same surface each time, as well as the same matchbox, same way of measuring, and rubber band.
From William

Tania 23

Hello Everyone,
Here is my Graph.
Cheers Tania

William 33

Hi Everyone,
Here are my investigation planners.
My measurements were position A 4.5cm, Position B 13cm, Position C 40cm
From William